Friday, September 30, 2016

The Lie of Gender Neutrality

Who am I? Our search for identity begins as soon as we are able to put together coherent thoughts. It involves understanding our own character and finding where we fit into the world. We know through the Gospel of Jesus Christ that each of us was "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) by the hands of God. Each of us has a purpose, a vocation, a calling.

Part of this identity has to do with our gender. In fact, it's a big part. For the last couple of thousands of years (up until the last century) whether you we're a man or a woman decided a lot; whether you were a protector or a nurturer, a warrior or a child-raiser, a hunter or a gatherer. I'm not saying that all of this was a good thing or that women shouldn't leave their homes (I'll leave that to Islam). The feminist movement, when it wasn't trying to promote abortion or throw off the "burden" of sexual morality, did advance the rights of women and give them the opportunity to play a more important role in the public sphere. That is good. 

But somewhere along the line, something went wrong. We went from the positive message of enhancing the position of women to the autocratically egalitarian statement that all genders are the same. There's a huge difference here. While women certainly deserve to vote and get paid the same as men, that doesn't mean that there are no differences between men and women. There are! It's biological. Men are the providers and protectors. Men are the hunters and the warriors. Women, on the other hand, are designed to be nurturers. Their bodies have been perfected for the beautiful mystery of the creation of life. They are emotionally much stronger than men. This is the reality of masculinity and femininity. We cannot blot out these essential differences!

But we have done just that. The thought that there is a difference (not a superiority) between men and women has become "sexist", "bigoted", and "ignorant." And where does that take us? If there's really no difference between men and women, what's the big deal about which of the two you are? If I was born a man but feel like a woman, what difference keeps me from deciding that I am in fact a woman? A logical response would be the Y-chromosome, a male body, etc.... But this is not a logical movement. It is one driven by rabid passions and intolerant "tolerance."

This brings us to the philosophy of Gender Neutrality: the idea that gender is a social construct, distinct from biological sex, that is determined by the preference of the individual. Hence the 79 "genders" recognized by Facebook. They claim that your biological sex is distinct from your gender "identity". Anyone can decide what they want their gender to be at any given time, a gender for every mood, even. Gender Neutrality is not just wrong, it is insane. It is completely divorced from science, reason, and, most importantly, the Truth. 

Gender Neutrality owes much of its modern following to the work of one man, Dr. John Money. He wrote about the subjectivity of gender for years before the case that would make him famous. David and Brian Reimer were identical twins born in 1965. Both required circumcision for medical reasons, but David's operation failed, resulting in serious mutilation. Worrying about the effects his injury might have had on his development, David's parents brought him to John Hopkins Hospital where they met Dr. Money. He suggested that David's interests would best be served if he were to receive a surgical transformation that would attempt to give him the body of a girl. And so, until the age of 14, David was raised believing that he was a girl. Now, if the Gender Neutrality theory is true, David would have lived our the rest of his life as a "girl." If gender is just a social construct, then shouldn't David, who was treated like a girl throughout his childhood, encouraged by Dr. Money's self-interested and often unethical treatment (he forced the twins to engage in "childhood sexual rehearsal play"), and even injected with estrogen, have accepted the lie that he was in fact a girl? 

But he didn't. Ironically the case that is lauded for validating Gender Neutrality was an utter failure. Unfortunately it was also a tragedy. David rejected the lie that he was a girl as soon as his parents revealed the truth about his upbringing. Beforehand he had been struggling with suicidal depression. In his young adulthood, David reversed Dr. Money's operations and began speaking out against his treatment, wanting to protect other children from the same fate. But the abuses of Dr. Money had left their mark. Both David and his twin brother, Brian, committed suicide two years apart. 

Dr. John Money, on the other hand, received awards and fame for his "innovative" work. He went on to, and I'm not making this up, write that pedophilia is not a behavioral disorder and that its stigma is just another social construct. I would not be surprised, as insane as it sounds, if by the end of this decade speaking out against pedophilia will become just as "intolerant" as saying that there are only two genders. 

Gender neutrality has gone from the absurd fantasy of a depraved psychologist to a widely accepted "truth." This progression was gradual up until Bruce Jenner decided he wanted to be a woman and the legalization of same-sex marriage, both in 2015. Then the movement reached a fever-pitch, an acceleration that continues to this day. Now, children can receive the same operations as David Reimer, sometimes without their parent's consent. Our president personally led the noble charge to allow grown men who identify as women to enter the same bathrooms as little girls. Just a county over in Anne Arundel, boys confused about their gender can now sleep in the same hotel rooms as girls on overnight school field trips. And their parents apparently have no right to know who will be sharing a room with their children. 

This is not progress. This is insane! Brothers and sisters, we have become a society that sticks its head into the sand, ignoring reality in order to avoid offending anyone. We cannot, as faithful believers in Christ, allow this error to continue. 

The philosophy of Gender Neutrality is blasphemous. We read in the book of Genesis that "In the day that God created man, He made him to the likeness of God. He created them male and female" (Genesis 5:1-2). As Christians, believe that God created each of us intentionally, with "plans for your welfare" (Jeremiah 29:11). God does not make mistakes. Gender neutrality says that He does. 

If God made you a man, then you are a man, regardless of your inclination. If you quite seriously believe that you are a woman, that does not change the reality of who you are. Rather, it is a psychological disorder known as gender dysphoria, which has been linked with depression and suicidal tendencies. 

Instead of indulging the illusions of people struggling with their gender identity, we need to embrace them with the love of God which is inseparable from the Truth. Especially when children experience these difficulties, we must give them compassionate care while not ignoring the essential reality of their gender. 

To put it bluntly, there are not 79 genders. There are two genders. The rest are mental illnesses. 

We cannot sit back and allow our culture to destroy itself in a rabid frenzy of egalitarianism. The reality of human sexuality is the glue that holds the family together. The family is the foundation of society. When the family crumbles, as we are trying so hard to do with the legalization of same-sex marriage and now this Gender Neutrality ideology, society will follow. Just think about how far we have fallen! Forty years ago, of you were to suggest that there were more than two genders, you would have been ridiculed. Today, if you were to say that there are in fact only two genders, you will be persecuted. We need to draw a line in the sand, brothers and sisters. The progressive forces have gone too far. They are tampering with the essential facts of life. 

If not now, when? Will I be forced to write this same piece when pedophilia becomes legalized? If we do not stand now, we will have no voice when things get even worse. We need to be willing to suffer for the Truth about human sexuality, to endure momentary affliction in order to safeguard future generations from the insidious lie of gender neutrality, to make sure that our children will not be forced to drink this poison! Stand and fight men and women of God!


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